About Catherine

Catherine Moran is an accredited Mediator and practising member of the Mediators Institute of Ireland, The M.I.I. You can view her profile on www.themii.ie
She specialises in Workplace, Community, Family & Separating Couples Conflict Resolution through Alternative Dispute Resolution, also known as (ADR) in Mediation.
Catherine is Pitman trained and highly experienced professional practice Office Administrator having worked in many disciplines throughout her career. She is highly experienced in Administrative HR matters dealing with routine, minor and more complex matters in the workplace. She holds a component certificate in Coaching Models of Practice, a certificate in Legal Studies and an Honours Bachelors Degree, LL.B. in Law.
Catherine’s focus is the study of people dynamics. She holds a Q.Q.I. Special Purpose Award in Mediation & Conflict Resolution following study at Griffith College in Dublin where she obtained Certification as a Mediator with the M.I.I. She holds a certificate in Managerial Mediation, a concept which provides the resolution skills to Managers dealing with team conflict, where time is of the essence, the ultimate objective is to achieve the end goal of the task at hand.
Catherine is a Certified DISC Associate User in people behaviours and Driving Forces.
DISC is an insightful platform where you can discover your individual behaviours the ‘How’ you do what you do and Driving forces show the ‘Why’ you do what you do. See the link in Contact to enquire / book an appointment to take the Assessment where Catherine will debrief your report, providing an insight into your Natural behaviours and Adapted behaviours. Discover the real you!
Catherine has a professional interest in the Mediation Act 2017, which commenced in January 2018, placing an obligation on Solicitors and Barristers to advise potential litigants in family conflict of Mediation to resolve a dispute. Catherine is confident that families will avail of Mediation Services, where the benefits of Mediation far out way litigation through the Courts Service which is costly, timely and within the public realm.
The key benefits of Mediation include;
- Mediation is efficient and cost effective as opposed to the Court Process
- facilitation of self determined workable solutions to withstand the test of time
- the mediation process is completely private & confidential
- Mediation provides a safe non-judgemental and without prejudice environment
- The Mediator remains neutral and impartial throughout the process.