Workplace Mediation

Conflict occurs when we experience a negative reaction to the actions or in-actions of others which we perceive are incompatible with our interests or goals.

Responses, whether Constructive or Destructive determine the outcome

Cinnie Noble a leader in her field describes conflict as ;

The (Not so) Merry Go Round of Conflict.

She states ; Research has shown that conflict reflects a pattern and sequence of interaction between the parties involved.  When a conflict is not resolved, this pattern is likely to reoccur with each interaction, as previous responses and behaviours are repeated and can become increasingly intensified.  The impact of this is that the conflict spirals and grows over time if not interrupted.

Don’t let conflict put a hold on your business…..Workplace conflict can impact negatively on productivity and create poor dynamic in the workplace.

Act before minor disagreements turn into a disputes and escalate to conflict.

A new approach for Managers experiencing difficulty between staff in the workplace

Catherine is certified by Eckerd College, Mediation Training Institute of Florida, USA in the Managerial Mediation Programme.  The programme provides a strategic approach for Managers who experience a ‘Business problem’, stemming from the approach of their staff to an identified issue.  Where Managers wish to resolve a specified issue which requires a ‘Business Meeting’ setting as opposed to Mediation to resolve the conflict, the aim is to facilitate a 90 minute Business Meeting to resolve a Business problem.

Contemporary Mediation offers a faciliatative bespoke Mediation process;

 ‘Tailored’ to the needs of the parties in conflict.